as a Civil Observer in MONUC via the Folke Bernadotte Academy - FBA
16 November 2009
Chez moi !
At last some photos, meant to upoad the ages ago. the photo of the dog, hippo, disappeared so he'll come later. For the rest, this is part of my family as it was until Febrary.
Since the end of April, I am in the Congo working as a civilian observer with the civil police in MONUC. Thus, my present 'life and work' is in the East of this vast country; in Bunia, a tiny little town in the district of Ituri.
Depending on the access to, and speed of, Internet, I aim to post as many photos as possible. I will try not to write too long posts, but sometimes waiting for the photos to be uploaded, I have too much time to keep writing...
You never know when it might come in handy to be a blacksmith