03 April 2009

Folke Bernadotte Academy

One day in January, at the time of new year wishes to friends and family I got an email from a Spanish friend of mine, at the time living in South East Asia somewhere, saying this might interest you and then a link to vacancies in the Folke Bernadotte Academy. I have to admit that at the time, I did not know what FBA was! I'd been home for almost six months, still getting used to living in Sweden and still very eager to find a new mission. I did not hesitate a second, I applied immediately! 

Soon (at least in the world of applications for international gigs) I was called for what I expected to be the first interview to be included in the resource pool. Having just fell on the finishing line for a few other jobs, I wasn't sure what to expect. Imagine my happiness, and surprise, when the interview turned into a campaign persuading me to leave for DRC as soon as possible! I can tell you one thing, she didn't have to twist my arm! Less than two weeks later I had started my leave of absence at my present job, asked permission to sublet my apartment and was on my way to Sandö for a preparation course I will never forget, meeting future colleagues and hopefully friends for life. 

During the course, the island of Sandö was transformed into Criseland (see map), an area deeply affected by conflict and poverty. In addition to our training, fire fighters and ambulance staff were trained on the island. The burning houses and cars crashed all over definitely added to the atmosphere. I was for sure in Criseland, and calling for help over the radio felt very real indeed. However we also had time for some social activities (almost a compulsory part of the course), like skiing - see Nadir, from Sudan in picture to the right. First time ever on a pair of skis for which we were all certified.