One day in January, at the time of new year wishes to friends and family I got an email from a Spanish friend of mine, at the time living in South East Asia somewhere, saying this might interest you and then a link to vacancies in the Folke Bernadotte Academy. I have to admit that at the time, I did not know what FBA was! I'd been home for almost six months, still getting used to living in Sweden and still very eager to find a new mission. I did not hesitate a second, I applied immediately!
Soon (at least in the world of applications for international gigs) I was called for what I expected to be the first interview to be included in the resource pool. Having just fell on the finishing line for a few other jobs, I wasn't sure what to expect. Imagine my happiness, and surprise, when the interview turned into a campaign persuading me to leave for DRC as soon as possible! I can tell you one thing, she didn't have to twist my arm! Less than two weeks later I had started my leave of absence at my present job, asked permission to sublet my apartment and was on my way to Sandö for a preparation course I will never forget, meeting future colleagues and hopefully friends for life.