I still don't have my luggage, and getting more and more frustrated every day for not having my camera. With lots and lots of Kodak moments around me all day, I have access only to my camera phone. And since this is the first time ever I have such a fancy phone, I keep forgetting that possibility. Plus, for some reason I cannot send MMS, so what's the point with the camera... Don't know if I can recieve, so try to send me pics, +243814204991.

After almost two weeks in Goma I finally recieved my deployment order. I will be posted in Bunia in Ituri. It was with mixed feelings I received the order. I had been asking for it every day and was happy to finally know where I'll be posted. And after being told repeatedly that Bunia is where the project is running best and the working relations are best, I was happy to be posted there. However, I had also been a long time in Goma, getting to know my colleagues there.

I stalled a bit and stole another weekend in Goma. The idea was to have one more chance to go to Gisenyi for a massage, play some more tennis, and swim some more in Lake Kivu. I did have time for the above, even though the massage was shortened down to a pedicure, but most of the weekend was spent in meetings with the visiting Swedish delegation here to evaluate our project. Some of them, I could have done without, but some of them will hopefully lead to the project getting in to a more active phase.

Now, finally I am in Bunia. On the way here I was given the chance to have a beer on the beach of Lake Victoria. Unfortunately I came too late for a swim, but still it was nice to spend a night in Uganda. Uganda might also be where I will spend my first leave, knowing that it is possible to go trekking there!
In Bunia all was set up for me, I only have to take over. So after being the new Petra for two weeks (i.e. replacing Petra in Goma), I am now the new Martin in Bunia. And here I have Internet at home so now I will hopefully be able to update this blog more often. finally also starting working, I might soon be able to write more interesting posts.