Today, I googled my own name out of curiousity to see the number and kind of hits I would get. I began my search with looking for someone else who once told me googled me. Since he however, was hardly to be found, I continued to see what he might have found about me. The exercise reminded me of a speach someone gave during a ball in law school in which he compared people's popularity by the number of hits on google. Whereas my first search resulted in 4 hits, my name came up with about 164 hits. Does that make me more popular I wonder. Hardly, probably just less careful with using my name on Internet...
Anyway, one of the hits looked particularly interesting. As it turns out, someone had picked up one of my postings on my previous blog about Nepal, and posted it on Global Voices Online. It might not be a huge thing, but having had a rough week it made me glad to see that someone not only found and read my blog, but also found a post interesting enough to spread it. Following the link, I came to a post I wrote after visiting a prison in Nepalgunj, and as it happens, two days ago I visited the prison here in Bunia. Therefore, the post triggered me to write a similar one on this blog. And using the wonders of copy/paste, it won't take me long, provided Internet does not fail me soon...
And here is the website I found: