This morning the 3rd of August, I participated in a ceremony at the PNC distibuting some well needed equipment to the police men and women. The ceremony took place on a Monday morning, at the time for their weekly parade (and head count to make sure they're all showing up for work). I have to admit that I don't know much about the police at home and their marching practice, but the Congolese police seems very military to me. Anyway, this time it was personal equipment that the police officers were given, items like blankets, buckets, pots and pans. Next thing we're working on is to update their car park. This, however much needed by the PNC, is just as much for our own purpose. According to the new SOP (standard of operations), it is from now on the PNC that is to provice escort to humanitarian missions, not the MONUC military. Thus, we need to make sure that they have the means, otherwise we're stuck in Bunia and cannot move around in the terrain.